Indus writing

The Interactive Corpus of Indus Text (ICIT) is a PhD project from Dr. Bryan Kenneth Wells, finished in 2006 and now published (ISBN 978-1-84217-994-9) and can be ordered at A new publication "The Archaeology and Epigraphy of Indus Writing" is published at The following database was developed by Dr. Bryan K. Wells and Dr. Andreas Fuls as a co-operative effort. All software development, programming and maintainance by Dr. Andreas Fuls.

Example of Indus text
Square seal M-1088 (modified after CISI vol. 2) Text with sign sequence +740-540-002-820+

The ICIT database allows you to search through the sign list and the digital corpus of Indus texts, to analyse Indus texts for paradigmatic and syntagmatic pattern of Indus signs, to use statistical tools, and to map the spatial distribution of inscribed artefacts. Ask the administrator (email: andreas.fuls(at) to get access to the database.

Documentation of the ICIT database of Indus writing

Enter the ICIT database of Indus writing

Publications using the ICIT

Wells, Bryan K.: Epigraphic Approaches To Indus Writing. Oxbow books, Oakville and Oxford 2011.

Fuls, Andreas: Entwicklung einer geographisch-epigraphischen Datenbank der Indusschrift. In: Sven Weisbrich and Robert Kaden (Ed.), Entwicklerforum Geoinformationstechnik 2010, Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2010, pp. 29-45.

Fuls, Andreas: Volumenmaße von Tongefäßen der Induskultur. In: Sven Weisbrich, Robert Kaden (Ed.): Entwicklerforum Geoinformationstechnik 2011. Shaker Verlag, Aachen 2012, pp. 101-114.

Fuls, Andreas: Positional Analysis of Indus Signs. Epigrafika, Vol. 7 (1) 2013, pp. 253-275.

Wells, Bryan K.: The Archaeology and Epigraphy of Indus Writing. Archaeopress, Oxford 2015.

Fuls, Andreas: Appendix I: Automated Segmentation of Indus Texts. In: Bryan K. Wells, The Archaeology and Epigraphy of Indus Writing. Archaeopress, Oxford 2015, pp. 100-118.

Fuls, Andreas: Appendix II: Positional Analysis of Indus Signs. In: Bryan K. Wells, The Archaeology and Epigraphy of Indus Writing. Archaeopress, Oxford 2015, pp. 119-133.

Fuls, Andreas: Appendix III: Classifying Undeciphered Writing Systems. In: Bryan K. Wells, The Archaeology and Epigraphy of Indus Writing. Archaeopress, Oxford 2015, pp. 134-140.

Fuls, Andreas: Ancient Writing and Modern Technologies - Structural Analysis of Numerical Indus Inscriptions. In: Studies on Indus Script. National Fund for Mohenjodaro 2020, pp. 57-90.

Fuls, Andreas: Corpus of Indus Inscriptions. MATHEMATICA EPIGRAPHICA vol. 3, Independently published, Berlin 2023 (2nd edition)

Fuls, Andreas: A Catalog of Indus Signs. MATHEMATICA EPIGRAPHICA vol. 4, Independently published, Berlin 2023.